Hassle - free compliance with the new IFR/IFD prudential regime

A Solution trusted by over 50 large banks, credit institutions, and investment firms worldwide


These firms are considered systemically important. They willcontinue to comply with Capital Requirements Regulation; CapitalRequirements Directive IV (CRR/CRD IV) regime.


Firms in this category are considered non-systemic. Theywill be in full scope of the IFR/IFD regime. Class II firms’ capital requirementswill be calculated using K-factors.



Class III investment firms are also considered nonsystemic. They will be in limited scope of the IFR/IFD regime



For a smooth regulatory compliance with the highest quality & efficiency

IRIS iDEAL® acts as a bridge between the organization's internal data systems and the regulator's filling platform.
IRIS iDEAL® faciliates automated scheduling of XBRL document creation and report submissions with a one-time mapping of internal reportable data to the taxonomies elements

The IRIS iDEAL® Advantage

A solution trusted globally

IRIS iDEAL® has been meeting the regulatory compliance needs of over 50 banks, credit institutions and investment firms worldwide for over a decade now.

High-quality XBRL output

The IRIS iDEAL® platform helps produce highly reliable and accurate XBRL data. We promise a quick turnaround in the event of taxonomy & business rule changes.

Multiple source integration

IRIS iDEAL® facilitates seamless integration with multiple data sources. It is a platform that can serve compliance needs under multiple XBRL mandates.

Ready to get started with your IFR/IFD reporting?
Talk to us today.